registration module

Package for dealing with registration methods between two AmpObject meshes Copyright: Joshua Steer 2020,

class registration(baseline, target, method='point2plane', *args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Registration methods between two AmpObject meshes. This function morphs the baseline vertices onto the surface of the target and returns a new AmpObject

  • baseline (AmpObject) – The baseline AmpObject, the vertices from this will be morphed onto the target

  • target (AmpObject) – The target AmpObject, the shape that the baseline attempts to morph onto

  • method (str: default 'point2plane') – A string of the method used for registration

  • *args – The arguments used for the registration methods

  • **kwargs – The keyword arguments used for the registration methods


reg – The registered AmpObject, the vertices of this are on the surface of the target and it has the same number of vertices and face array as the baseline AmpObject Access this accessing the registration.reg

Return type



>>> from ampscan.core import AmpObject
>>> baseline = AmpObject(basefh)
>>> target = AmpObject(targfh)
>>> reg = registration(baseline, target, steps=10, neigh=10, smooth=1).reg

Calculate the magnitude of distances between the baseline and registered array


method (str, default 'norm') – The method used to calculate the distances. ‘abs’ returns the absolute distance. ‘cent’calculates polarity based upon distance from centroid. ‘norm’ calculates dot product between baseline vertex normal and distance normal


values – Magnitude of distances

Return type



Return the registered AmpObject


” Return the values array from the registration

plotResults(name=None, xrange=None, color=None, alpha=None)

Function to generate a mpl figure. Includes a rendering of the AmpObject, a histogram of the registration values


fig – A matplot figure of the standard analysis

Return type


point2plane(steps=1, neigh=10, inside=True, subset=None, scale=None, smooth=1, fixBrim=False, error='norm')

Point to Plane method for registration between the two meshes

  • steps (int, default 1) – Number of iterations

  • int – Number of nearest neighbours to interrogate for each baseline point

  • 10 (default) – Number of nearest neighbours to interrogate for each baseline point

  • inside (bool, default True) – If True, a barycentric centre check is made to ensure the registered point lines within the target triangle

  • subset (array_like, default None) – Indicies of the baseline nodes to include in the registration, default is none so all are used

  • scale (float, default None) – If not None scale the baseline mesh to match the target mesh in the z-direction, the value of scale will be used as a plane from which the nodes are scaled. Nodes with a higher z value will not be scaled.

  • smooth (int, default 1) – Indicate number of Laplacian smooth steps in between the steps

  • fixBrim (bool, default False) – If True, the nodes on the brim line will not be included in the smooth

  • error (bool, default False) – If True, the polarity will be included when calculating the distance between the target and baseline mesh


Set the baseline AmpObject


Set the target AmpObject