analyse module

Package for dealing with analysis methods of the ampObject and generating reports Copyright: Joshua Steer 2020,

CMapOut(amp, colors)

Colour Map with 4 views (copied Josh’s code)

MeasurementsOut(amp, pos)

Calculates perimeter of limb/cast at intervals from mid-patella to the end of stump Takes position of mid-patella (x,y,z) coordinates as input Also creates images of limb views and graphs of CSA/Widths, which are used in the PDF. Calls the function responsible for adding the information to the PDF template. TODO: Split this into functions for each part i.e. Volume measure, CSA, widths

Return type

The path to the output file


Calculate the cross sectional area of each polygon from the slicing of the AmpObject


polys (list) – A list of numpy arrays, each array contains the vertices of the polygon generated from the slice. Generate using ampscan.analyse.create_slices()


csa – Returns the cross-sectional area of the limb in mm^2 along the axis

Return type



Calculate the perimeter of each polygon from the slicing of the AmpObject


polys (list) – A list of numpy arrays, each array contains the vertices of the polygon generated from the slice. Generate using ampscan.analyse.create_slices()


perimeter – Returns the perimeter of the limb in mm along the axis

Return type


calc_volume_closed(amp_in, return_closed=False)

Calculates the volume of a closed surface. If the surface is not closed the algorithm fills in the holes using a simple hole filling algorithm, the surface without holes can be accessed if return_closed is set to True.

  • amp (AmpObject) – The AmpObject to analyse

  • return_closed (bool, default False) – Indicate whether to return the shape with holes filled in


  • vol (float) – The volume of the AmpObject

  • amp (AmpObject) – If return_closed is True, then the closed shape is returned


Calculate the coronal and sagittal widths of each polygon from the slicing of the AmpObject

Assumes that coronal width corresponds with the x-axis


polys (list) – A list of numpy arrays, each array contains the vertices of the polygon generated from the slice. Generate using ampscan.analyse.create_slices()


  • cor_width (array_like) – Returns the coronal width in mm along the axis

  • sag_width (array_like) – Returns the sagittal width in mm along the axis

create_slices(amp, *args, typ='slices', axis=2, order=True)

Generate polygons from planar slices through the AmpObject. The slices are either defined as a list of positions in some axis

  • amp (AmpObject) – The AmpObject to analyse

  • slices (array_like) – An array of the slice positions to take in the specified axis

  • limits (array_like) – The limits of the slices, either in real world units or normalised depending on that specified in typ

  • intervals (float) – The distance between slices, use in conjunction with

  • typ (str, 'slices', 'real_intervals', 'norm_intervals') – The height of the slice planes

  • axis (int, default 2) – The index of the axis to take the slices along


polys – A list of numpy arrays, each array contains the vertices of the polygon generated from the slice

Return type



>>> amp = AmpObject(filename)
>>> polys = create_slices(amp, [0.05, 0.95], 0.01, typ='norm_intervals', axis=2)
>>> polys = create_slices(amp, [-150, -100, -50, 0], typ='slices', axis=2)
>>> polys = create_slices(amp, [-150, 0], 10, typ='real_intervals', axis=2)

Estimate the volume of the limb using bounds of the slices


polys (list) – A list of numpy arrays, each array contains the vertices of the polygon generated from the slice. Generate using ampscan.analyse.create_slices()


Volume – Returns the estimated volume of the limb in mm^3 along the axis

Return type



Calculate the eularian path for an array of edges so the vertices all connect

planeEdgeIntersect_cy(arr, plane, axisInd)

Calculate the intersection between a an array of edges and a plane

  • edges (array_like) – The edge array which have been calculated to cross the plane

  • plane (float) – The height of the plane

  • axis (int, default 2) – The index of the axis of the slice


intersectPoints – The intersection points between the edges and the plane

Return type


planeEdgeintersect(edges, plane, axis=2)

Calculate the intersection between a an array of edges and a plane

  • edges (array_like) – The edge array which have been calculated to cross the plane

  • plane (float) – The height of the plane

  • axis (int, default 2) – The index of the axis of the slice


intersectPoints – The intersection points between the edges and the plane

Return type


plot_slices(amp, axis=2, slWidth=10)

Generate a mpl figure with information about the AmpObject

Top Left - Slices Top Right - Change in cross sectional area through slices Bottom Left - Rendering of shape Bottom Right - Rendering of shape with values

TODO: Split this up so each figure is it’s own function, top level function to tailor figure to user

  • axis (int, default 2) – Axis along which to take slices

  • slWidth (float, default 10) – Distance between slices


  • fig (mpl figure) – The mpl figure generated by the function

  • ax (tuple) – A tuple of axes used for each subplot in the figure


Create an mpl figure with the 3D rendering, slices, slice height and cross sectional area